Even in our household we are at the moment two part-time workers, money comes, money goes, still sometimes we have the problem that food is getting old. I don't like it at all cause of eco reasons, even it is human.
I always do these rescues to try to still use the food. It also feels horrible since Finland has been in an economic downturn what feels like forever. Hundreds of thousands people are living with the minimum support we get from the government, which is way too small nowadays according to European standard, so people are actually hungry here too.
Well anyway, I use to make this tomatosauce of tomatoes getting old.
The recipe is super simple:
- slice the tomatoes
- sauté some onion in oil on a pan, you can put some garlic too
- add balsamico, salt and pepper
And the tomatoes are saved! You can use this mix as a topping on your sandwich, I put it as a topping for the soup I had been eating for days. Soups last for super long. Have the best week! Spring sun is here :)
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