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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on 2017.

Vege food, Kadriorg and Kumu on Tallinn minicruise

We woke up super early in the morning to catch the boat for our one day minicruise to Tallinn. I had to nap in the boat since I didnt sleep almost at all during the night. After napping we had a breakfast at the boat, Eckerö line could still imorove vegan & vegetarian selection. Oh, how I love croissants and cafe latte. We had marmelade and cheese with them, so we could taste both. We thought we've done the old town so many times, we could now do something else, so we went to Kumu art museum! We walked through the lovely Kadriorg part of town. Since it's a holiday, we stopped several times in the way, for a beer and political talks and to a bakery. Of course it's nice to taste the local beer. Kadriorg, oh Kadriorg 💚 We also passed Tallinn university. This is the first part of the story, second one coming soon!!

Vegan antipasto jar: easy to make Christmas gift

Use it for salads and for bread for example. When I cooked with these amounts, I got one bigger jar and one smaller one. It's a good recipe, since these are ingredients you might already have at home. 200 g of vegan cheese, feta or emmental type 2,5 dl of olives 2,5 dl of oil 0,75 dl of whitewine vinegar 0,75 dl of sugar 1 ts of black pepper 1 ts of dried basil 1 ts of dried oregano 1 ts of dried thyme 1 ts of dried rosmarin Garlics 2 whole garlics, i actually put 4 whole cloves 0,5 dl of white wine vinegar 0,5 dl of water 1 big spoon of sugar 0,5 ts of salt - Prepare the garlics. Boil the broth, add pealed garlic cloves. Boil for five minutes. Let it cool, after cooling, put it to fridge for 1 - 2 hours. - Slice the cheese, drain the olives and garlic. Combine these in a bowl. Mix the oil, vinegar, sugar and spices in a bowl. - Pour the cheese mixture to a bowl, pour the marinade after. Let it get tasty in the fridge for couple of days. It will stay good for tw...

Tips on how to reach Christmas mood

This year I've been already feeling like Christmas, not sure where it comes from, but it's nice! Here are some tips I think would help to find the nice season mood. 😃 1. Give / send Christmas cards. Was so nice to receive and give some. I bought mine from Iso Numero vendor in Helsinki, good cause too. 2. Enjoy festive foods already. We've had some Christmas bread at breakfast and some Swedish Julmust drink for example. Julmust is a bit like cola but bit different too. 3. Go for walks to enjoy the Christmas lights and athmosphere. Take photos, those are also nice with smartphone, send greetings to your friends with the photos. 4. Invite a friend for a coffee and snacks at a nice place. Have a great holiday time!

When you're among the first ones to wake up in the city

Tips for relaxing with Netflix in December

We just remembered we have a Netflix account. I asked in Facebook some tips for it and was overwhelmed about the amount of tips. Apparently people watch a lot of Netflix! Decided to offer you some tips I've watched myself. Here you are! 1. Film Victoria I have to admit, I took a lot of naps during this movie, but that was me, not the movie. The colours were excellent, wow. 2. Master of None -series For a day when you want to see something fun and light, I guess I have to see more, I remember I laughed. Male perspective from the U.S. for nowadays craziness and how to deal with it. 3. Forever and forever: Gilmore Girls Started from the first season again, and wow, it's good again. I guess I've grown a little myself, since for the first time I also saw the family dynamics from a psychological perspective. Family is the best and worst! Do you have more favo...

Eco Christmas cards & gifts

I love Christmas. Somehow I already started to prepare little things for it. I have this storage of cards, I guess I was collecting them, but at one point I thought why not to give them away in a suitable occasion. I already made one card ready with a winter sports theme. I added some golden cardboard on the sides. It had some text on the backside, so I glued some white cardboard there as well. I decided for whom it's for, and wrote the wishes and put it in a n envelope. Then I hid it to my clothes room. So nice to have something ready for Christmas already!

Viikonloppu alkoi nykytanssilla

Viimein ihana, vapaa viikonloppu. En oikein muista kunnolla, milloin sellaista olisi ollut viimeksi. Eilinen päivä alkoi jo aamuviiden aikaan, ja loppui vasta myöhään illalla, hieman jännitinkin, että miten sitä jaksaa. Ilta kuitenkin räjäytti potin täysin, ja siitä tuli aivan syksyn huippukokemuksia. Kävimme katsomassa Alpo Aaltokosken Deep ja Veljet Itiksen Stoassa, joka on muuten tosi mukava, ja kutsuva paikka. Deepissä esiintyi Aaltokoski, ja se oli hyvin voimakas kokemus. Ravisteleva. Itsessäni se herätti joitain hyvin syviä tunteita todella monista eri kerroksista, hyvin syvältä. Taustalla esitettiin kuvia, joissa oli vartaloiden kuvia, osin kuvamateriaali oli jotenkin rajuakin. Musiikki oli voimakasta ja menevää. Aaltokosken asennoissa oli jotakin alkukantaista. Ehdottomasti kannatti mennä! Viikonloppu alkoi upeasti!

Viikon Areena-tipsi

Katso pe 17.11.2017 Yle Areenassa: Olen huomannut teatteriohjaaja Lauri Maijalan työtä siellä sun täällä. Rakastin Tyttö nimeltä Varpu -elokuvaa, Maijalalla oli siinä pieni ja hyvin näytelty rooli. Tämä haastattelu Maijalasta oli ihana, ja muistutti tärkeistä asioista itselleni.

Takahuoneiden huumaa

Takahuoneissa on kyllä jotakin mystistä. Olen mukaana eräässä projektissa, joten tämän näköinen takahuone on tullut nyt tutuksi. Muuten projekti on niin kiireinen, että ei ole kerennyt niin fiilistelemään, mistä itse tykkään. Yhtenä päivänä tulin kuitenkin paikalle aikaisin ensimmäisenä. Hiippailin takahuoneeseen, ja otin pienet nokosetkin. Oli ihana viettää hetki ja aistia tilaa yksin. Tänä syksynä olen jostain syystä kovasti miettinyt Ville Valoa, ja seurannut hänen somekanavaansa, tai hänestä pidettyä, Ville Valo Daily on sen nimi. Jotenkin tuo mies ja hänen lahjakkuutensa on tarjonnut valtavasti inspiraatiota tänä syksynä. Mikä teitä on inspiroinut viime aikoina?

Bean soup for November (VG)

What you need: 3 dl of some kind of beans 2 carrots, I put more and replaced some other vegetables 2 table spoons of vegetable oil 1 table spoon of vegan butter 2 l of water 2 dl of boiled pasta or rice 2 dl of tomato squash Cayenne pepper Pepper spice Cumin Basil Rosmarin A bit of mustard Peal and ground carrots. Heat the kettle, add oil and butter and grounded carrots. Add water, let boil. Add pasta or rice, tomato squash and spices. Add beans and let it be for a while. Hint: cumin is good with beans for the stomach. This recipe is from Frantsilan Kasviskeittokirja. Also I thought for some round taste, add maybe vegan cream?

Near dreams

Having a little break during my work day. Was thinking about nice things in the near future. How would be spending Christmas on a boat with the great bouffet foods they have? Not a bad idea. 😃 Even though I fly as little as possible, I've been also thinking of a sunny holiday soonish. There is an apartment in the canary islands, that we could use during Christmas, so we think of that too. What kind of nice near future plans do you have? Enjoy the middle of the week!

Viikon katseluvinkki Yle Areenasta

Katso Yle Areenassa: Olin eilen aika innoissani kun löysin katseltavaksi Kun Greenpeace muutti maailmaa -dokkarin. Laitoimme ranskiksia ja vegenakkeja guacamolella ja mausteilla. Teimme dokkaristudion suureen sänkyyn. Pari sohvatyynyä läppärin alle, ja dokkari-ilta alkakoon. Tarina oli inspiroiva ja sivistävä maailmanparantajalle. Hienoa oli, kuinka he jatkoivat ja kehittivät työtä. Kannattaa ehdottomasti katsoa! Blogi antaa dokkarille *** eli kolme tähteä, ehkä kolme ja puolikin.

Winter is up 🐰

I have a quite intensive volontary dance project going on, trying to eat healthy foods more than normally. Somehow i feel it's needed now. Also went for a stylish cup of coffee. Also the autumn is so so pretty!

My new winter fashion

I never really was the best person to dress for the winter, even I'm from Lapland. I try though. Lately I woke up for the idea that winter is coming, better be prepared. I already bought one new winter jacket. Then I was going through my footwear. I guess I'm throwing away two pairs of winter shoes. The other already had a hole in them, and I think the others are already so used (well it's been years and years) that they must be thrown away too. On my way home from lunch I went to see if my neighbour super secondhand shop has anything for the winter. And yes again! What a place. The black shoes are sort of like sporty winter shoes with warm enough insides. The hat is extra fun! And i sure hope its not real fur, shouldn't be.

Inspiration for the week

Gonna see Blade Runner, I think I need to see it soon. Is it something youre gonna see? - Had a real fun times with my friend last Sunday. Cant believe how happy I was when she brought me a take away coffee, small things! 💚 - Have plans for New Years, finally visiting my Mum in Eastern Finland. I love it there! - Also holiday planning continues. As a freelancer it's always a bit of a trick, but I set an e-mail thing for these quick trips. Also I think I really need a holiday. - Meanwhile I try to take some holiday days and free moments. Planning to go for a mushroom hunt with my Dad.

A wellbeing walk is an investment for your day & week

We had a spontaneous party yesterday. I don't really remember when was the last one, guess I've grown a little out of it 😃 Today I was just resting and worked at home what I had to do today. I decided to make my day better and go for a walk. It is so dark but so beautiful.

It was a good day

It was a bright idea to start the week by having a brekkia on my streets bakery, also started working there. Also went for a hunt for winter clothes to a secondhand shop nearby. Didnt actually take that one, but found an awesome long jacket and a funny scarf. Also my work day ended in a church, perfect!

Vegaanisia kotiinkuljetusvinkkejä Helsingissä

Vegaanisuuteen pyrkivällä tulee usein tenkkapoo-hetkiä arjessa. Pyrin niitä vähän välttämäänkin, mukavissa merkeissähän homman kuuluu sujua. Viikonloppuna arvelin ensin hakea vegesafkaa korttelin lempi-kiinalaisesta. Se ei kuitenkaan onnistunut, sillä olin niin väsynyt ja pääkivuissa, että otin vain lääkettä ja päätin tilata kotiinkuljetuksella. Väsymys johtui yhdestä unettomasta yöstä, onneksi se on harvinaista minulla. Päätin kerätä tähän postaukseen löytämäni vinkit siitä w-alkuisesta palvelusta. Tiesittekö muuten, että näissä ilmeisesti ravintolan etäisyys vaikuttaa kuljetushintaan? Mun valinta oli Thai Ochan vegaaninen curry tällä kertaa, ihan jepulis se olikin! Mutta tässä vielä muita vinkkejä, joita sain Vegaaninen Helsinki -ryhmästä: 1. Happy Gardenin Panang Curry 2. Mad Wok 3. Sushi Panda 4. Gurans Tietty voisin ajan myötä koittaa näitä kaikkia.. Herkullisia hetkiä teillekin! Tykkäättekö tilata kotiinkuljetuksella?

Travel dreams

I'm dreaming of a little holiday. Might even be quite soon 😃 I try to fly rarely for eco reasons. It's been two years since my previous flights. Depending, now I might fly again. Might be going with my friend, let's see! Not possible to go alone either. Maybe still would be nice to go with a friend. I don't know, let's see! I would like to have a warm beach holiday and just relax. Bathe in the sun, swim in the waves, eat well, read a book.. I was looking for hotels and air bnb accommodation from Hvar in Croatia. There was one, lovely wooden house just 10 m from the sea. I'm so excited! What are you dreaming about right now?

Filled potatoes (VG)

I was cooking this recipe on a lazy afternoon. Ingredients for two - 6 -8 middle sized potatoes - oil - olives - soygurt, 200 g - vegan cheese, 130 g - fresh parsley - black pepper, pepper spice mix, salt, soy sauce. 1. Wash potatoes carefully. Rub oil to them and poke them with a fork. Place potatoes on an oven tray and bake in 200 degrees for one hour. I used the space to make owen apples as well. 2. Slice suitable amount of olives. Cut the baked potatoes half. Take some of the potato mass with spoon to a bowl, careful not to break the potato skin. 3. Add olives, jogurt, fresh parsley and half of the cheese to the bowl. Add the spices to your taste. Mix well and fill the potatoes. Sprinkle rest of the cheese on top. Add pepper. 4. You can still put the patatas to the owen for 10 minutes, but actually we just ate them like this :)

Relaxing in the water and September sun

Today we finally went to Allas Sea Pool in Helsinki for the first time. The tickets cost 12 euros per person without discount. After purchasing the ticket you walk on a wooden path towards the seashore, the view is very beautiful. On the right you find dressrooms, showers and saunas for men and women. The first locker I tried was not working, but the next one worked alright. The shower room is beautiful, I think with blue walls, perhaps dark blue. The showers were lovely rainlike. From the sauna there was a window to the sea, perhaps could have been a bigger one? Also I wondered if the sauna gets very full on busy days 😃 Oh man it was lovely to be in the sauna after a long time! My body is sore right now from dancing, so it felt so good. Also I felt a little like a super woman! Learning from experience, take your towel when heading to the pool. The water is quite warm. What an experience to see the sunset in September, the sea and boats passing by. It's like swimming with tho...